4 videos

Current Progress
3 images

Deck and Hull
105 images

23 images

41 images

Front Cabin
35 images

15 images

19 images

Strut and Skeg
35 images

Steam Sim Unit
2 videos

24 images
4 videos
3 images
105 images
23 images
41 images
35 images
15 images
19 images
35 images
2 videos
24 images
This website is one I've made to share the build progress of my 1/12 large-scale (1.8m Length with 13" Beam) scratch built Radio Controlled T.I.D Tug boat. This is the first time I have scratch built a radio-controlled model boat (especially one this size!).
Once fully built she will weigh in at around the 55-60kg mark (with ballast). On this website you will find Pictures, Videos & detailed information about the build. Content is updated often as I progress with the build.
Thanks & I hope you enjoy following my build! Daz.